Friday, October 31, 2008

Surgery is a go for today.

Well the Surgery dept called me yesterday and we went over the game plan for Carson today. This is about how it goes.......

First off, they wanted me to give him a breathing treatment through the nebulizer last night at bedtime. They told me to give him the Combivent. This is the strong medicine that we give him when his asthma is really bad. Then I will need to wake him up today around 6AM so I can feed him a little something. He is not allowed any food after 7:15 AM. Then we will give him his morning meds and another round of Combivent. They are wanting to get his airway open wide so we don't encounter any problems. He can also have clear liquids up to 12:15 and then he will be done.

So she told me that our surgery isn't going to be scheduled until late afternoon and that is with the hopes that there are no hold ups with other surgeries prior to Carson. But it is still a go.

So once they are ready to start they will give him some laughing gas to knock him out. After that they will put the IV in. Then the doctor will scope his lungs and look for any anatomy problems. Then she will take some samples of his lung sac and then she will be done. They will then insert the breathing tube. ENT will put in his ear tubes (yeah, no more ear infections!!!!!), adenoids, and tonsils will be removed. The doctor told me that there is a 75% chance that they will opt to leave his airway in until the anesthesia is worn off. Then they will wean him off the vent. So that about sums up what will be taking place tomorrow.

Please keep Carson in your prayers that this solves his asthma, respiratory, and ear infections. That is the goal for going through all of this.

Then we can get back to a happy childhood and mommy can get back to work!!

I have had several e-mails on phone numbers and such. Children's Mercy # is 816-234-3000. His full name is Carson Johnson. We may not be up in a room any before 7 or later. But phone calls are welcomed. We will be discharged in 1-3 days and then home for 2 weeks. The doctor said she wanted him to be home bound so he doesn't pick up anything. So I will be with him 24/7 by myself. I may end up blogging those days several times a day just to keep myself busy. LOL.

If you need my phone number at home, please e-mail me at and I will be more than happy to give that to you. Thanks again for all of my calls today and a few of my close buddies that e-mailed me. I love you guys and it is such a great feeling to have such a huge support system.

PS I hope everyone has a great Halloween and get lots of candy so you can pass some to us. The only day that I can get chocolate for free, ....sigh....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Congratulations to Amy and Kaden!!!!!

Well I just checked and guess what? Kaden won the bedroom set and not by a little but a lot! He won by about 400 votes. WOW!!! Thanks to everyone who jumped over there and voted for him. This is so exciting and I know Amy must be ecstatic. Congrats and I can't wait to see the pics of him sleeping in his new room. Amy, you are such a great mother and Kaden, Angel Ava, and Baby Brody are so lucky to have you and Nate for their parents.

Kaden, I hope you enjoy your big boy bed!! Just remember that when Brody gets bigger, he's going to want to sleep in your bed all the time. That's just what little brothers do:-)

The BBF Award

I received this wonderful award from Tracey over at 4 my 3 Suns. I'm humbled by this nice gesture. It has been a wonderful avenue for me to have such great people to blog with. With that said, here are the rules;

Pass this award on to your bloggy friends that you met first in the blog world.

Amy at Kaden and Angel Ava

Aimee at Kyle / Ava / Aimee

Colleen at Spaghetti

Rachel at Love for 9

Marilyn at Kyle's Heart

Pam at Rhett's world

Carey at Dream Big

Melissa at Jack's life

All of these people I have first met through the blogging life. Some I have met in person, a lot of them we have e-mailed for a while, and a couple I have talked to on the phone. I consider everyone on my blog roll treasured gifts and I'm thankful for the friendships that we have formed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Problem Solved

Just wanted to say thanks for the advice. I finally got it out around 8:00AM. It happened to be folded in half. I have never had that happen before. After a lot of tugging and pulling, I managed to scratch my eye and finally pulled it down enough to pull it out. I did happen to rip it but after all I went through, I'm just glad it is out.

So I'm off to taking care of another sick kid. Last week it was Cody and Carson and since last night it is Coltan. I don't think playing in the cold and wind helped any. I didn't know he wasn't feeling well until late last night.

As far as the tournament they played in, the boys ended up finishing 2nd place. The team they played was also from KC and they played us in our regular season and beat us there as well. It was overall a very good tournament. So good job Coltan and Cody!!

Back to making my famous Chicken and Dumplings so my baby feels better.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quick Question....HELP

Okay, I have worn contacts for about 15-20 years and I have never had this happen so I'm looking for suggestions.

My contact is literally as far up in my eye as it possible can be. I cannot use my fingers and roll it down through my eye lid and I cannot reach it by pulling my eyelid out and looking straight down. It is killing me. I'm hoping someone has a great suggestion before tomorrow otherwise I'll be calling the eye doctor.

Signing "Scared"

This is still one of my favorite signs for Carson to sign. There are a few others but I always get a good laugh on this one.

More Pictures from Occupational Therapy

Here we played in a bucket of kidney beans. We loaded the tower up and the beans came out of the bottom. We also hid his cars in it so he would have to dig in there. Carson doesn't like to get his hands messy at all and this is to help him with that.

Carson is working on scissors. He is working on his motor skills.

Carson seemed to like this one real well. Nancy would draw two houses on this large piece of paper and Carson would draw the road to connect the two. Then after they were all done, Carson got to drive the cars on the map. Always one of his favorites!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A small window to sightsee

We only had a couple of hours between two games Saturday to run down to the Arch. My dad has never been to St. Louis and we thought we would take him down to see it. Unfortunately the times to go up and Cody's games all had a conflict. So I told him I would give him some of my pictures from all of the other times I went up so he could pretend he went up as well.

This is my niece Ali. We were playing around in the gift shop at the Arch. This is the best picture I could get for my dad standing outside the arch. It's amazing how many times I would take the picture and some other tourist would walk into my shot.

The weather was perfect and the sky was just gorgeous with the big white clouds. I had fun taking pictures of the arch at different angles.

Cody hanging out eating his kettle corn while I'm taking pictures.

Charlie was patiently hanging out as well

Friday, October 24, 2008

Going to St Louis to see our neighbors

While at the tournament my close friend Denise called to see where I was at. She didn't think I was going to St. Louis since Carson had been sick. So we ended up finding each other before the second game. Her son is on the far Left. Alec and Ryan (the other boy in red) played with Cody for years. The three boys practically grew up together. The one in white on the far right is Charlie. He spent the weekend with us.

Hey Denise, maybe you should start your own blog just so you can tell everyone about the great hotel you stayed in. She was in a different one than our team and to come and find out the boys were lucky enough to have a USA pageant going on right there in their hotel. What is so bad about that? It was a pageant were all of the contestants were in drag!!! Hope you got lots of pics from all of those beauties! I still love you Denise, but hey, couldn't resist.

Cody wins 7-0

This was in St Louis when we played in our tournament. This is the first game we played and it was a team out of Kentucky. We ended up winning 7-0 and Cody scored 3 of the goals. He is in white jersey #3. This first photo he is actually facing us with the ball.

They really start getting physical and I usually tell Cody to check his wallet when they start grabbing him.

Here is Cody trying to hold hands.

Cody doing one of his slick moves. He ended up winning the ball off of blue and took it up and scored his third goal.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving on

Well I ended up surviving my birthday yesterday. Cody and Carson are still home sick, and I'm still not getting any sleep. That about sums it up.

As far as the previous post, well I've decided that I'm done trying. I reflect back on church last Sunday and basically the moral of the lecture was don't let yourself get so upset over other's actions or words. I cannot change other people nor will I try. So I'm going to move on. If Charlie wants to be a part of that, great. If not, well, then it's his loss. Charlie's daughter can decide in her own time if she wants to be a part of Carson's life but if she doesn't, then that will be fine. He doesn't know her now and so he doesn't realize he is missing a beautiful little girl in his life.

To all of my friends, I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. I had some phone calls, some private e-mails, and some comments on my blog. For those of you who trully know me, you never assumed that I was trying to insult her. You knew that my intentions were out of love and getting a relationship resolved. Most of you had faith in my loyalily to family. That was the best birthday present I could have asked for. I was trying to reach out for advice. Just so you know, most of you said the best thing to do is to sit back and let it ride out. If she wants to be in his life, she will. Best advice. This is why I blog. I love to brag on my three boys but just like every other household, there are problems. So sometimes I will seek out and ask for advice. If you scroll through my blog, you would see that I don't vent very often. But I do have a stressful life like most and I'm just trying to balance everything out. I consider myself a successful business owner, proud mother of three kids, two of which do well in school, I have a lot of great friends, and I'm trying to improve myself with going back to school. So for everyone who has stood beside me, from the bottom of my heart, thanks!!! Your why I love blogging and sharing and jumping on your sites as well!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First off

I'm not angry at the child. I'm angry at the whole situation. I'm angry at her father for not putting the family first. Trying to mend things instead of doing nothing and watching as things never improve. Why do I not have any pictures of her, because she doesn't come around. If you go back 3 years to 8 years ago, I have tons of pictures of her that I took myself. I have her in several of my scrapbooks. Why, because she is a part of my life, rather it be directly or indirectly. It saddens me and hurts me to no end. I'm sorry if you think I was coming down on her. I just wanted to continue to have a relationship with her and I wanted her to give her brother a chance. Am I perfect? Heck no, but who is? I didn't throw my dirty laundry out there. I was venting because of an incident that occured Sunday and I have been upset every since. She was attacking her father through me. When I said that even 13 year oldscan be hurtful to, I meant that even though she is only 13, she has a huge impact on my life and I can be hurt by a young kid that I do truly care about. I feel like I'm the one that does care about this. I don't dislike her mom. I always thought she was a very good mother and I have even taken up for her to both Charlie and her daughter. I know her life consist of many challenges and I actually envy her for being able to take on so much and still function. I certainly don't know if I could. So with all of that said, I was trying to say that I would like to find a way to get on good terms with Charlie's daughter and have her let Carson in on her life. I'm still praying for a happy ending. I hope everyone understands that I'm just wanting to make things work out and not get any worse.

So maybe I didn't use good choice words. I was simply trying to reach out to what I thought were my friends in the blogging community and maybe look for some advice. I came from a broken home and I do understand the ups and downs of parents. But I think that is why I love her that much more. I saw some of my dad's girlfriend's jealous that he had us on the weekends which was suppose to be time for them. I never tried to come in between Charlie and his daughter. If anything I would fight harder for her.

Believe it or not, I really want nothing more for her and I to have a relationship and I would be tickled pink if she would give us a chance. People can change. I have truly seen that first hand. Charlie and I did argue a lot but we have worked really hard to fix that. Do we still argue? Yes, but not like we used to . I'm just looking for the happy ending and would like for the two in question who feel offended or insulted know that I have done good things for her and I wish they could look past Charlie and I mistakes and move forward with us. I don't know what the future holds for Charlie or I but bottom line is I'm still the mother of his son.

Since my intentions were not to insult the child, I will take that post off of my blog. It wasn't meant to be a bash. I will apologize if that is how some people felt. I'm just looking for an outlet to have some peace between us.

That is my birthday wish!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lunch with Daddy at Fritz and Co.

Last week Charlie came up on duty with us to Occupational Therapy and afterwards we went to Fritz and Company for lunch. Charlie had never been there and thought it was a really cool place for kids.

When we first sat down they were fairly busy and almost immediately there was a train delivering food to another table. Carson spotted it and got real excited.

Really, who is more excited here? This was the same train but Charlie's first time of witnessing it.

We ordered our food from that phone. Carson picked the phone up and started ordering for us again. He did get our drinks right.

Still busy ordering.

Order complete. Now we will wait.

Looking for our train to deliver our lunch.

After our meal. Carson is pretty happy.

Pictures of Fritz and Company

I had a few of my bloggers ask me about Fritz and Co. This post is some pictures of the restaurant. Hope you enjoy the pictures. You can see the tracks around the top. That is where the food comes from. Every window in the booths have a different landmark of Kansas City. They all had a train go through them as well.

Here is the train with our food on it.

When it is coming to our table a metal wall comes up and the food drops on the platform while the train keeps moving.

Here comes the food!

You can see the platform comes down to our table.

The train then goes around the whole restaurant and back to the kitchen.

This window was a picture of Kansas City Union Station. AKA Science City. That is one of the trains that goes through our section.

This window is the City Market. Another landmark of Kansas City

Monday, October 20, 2008

I won a wonderful award from Izzy N' Emmy

Presented to My Three Sons from Izzy N Emmy. I just want to tell Alisha how honored I am. We just recently found each other in the bloggy world from the circle of buddies we have. She has turned out to be a really fun blog to come home to and look at. You can almost always guarantee that she has great pictures of her beautiful family, nature, and other interesting subjects to look at.

All they need to do is leave the following message on their post when they pass the award on to their chosen eight blogger buddies.“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

"Proximidade! Award" Nominees:
Amy at Kaden and Angel Ava
Amiee at Kyle / Ava / Amiee
Colleen at Spaghetti
Rachel at Love for 9
Marilyn at Kyle's Heart
Tracey at 4 My 3 Suns
Pam at Rhett's Journey
Andrea at Si, Ty, and Levi

Congrads to the above winners and I hope you gladly accept this wonderful award.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Part 3, Just having fun at the Pumpkin Patch

After we watched the pig race,rode the train, and took lots of pictures, we started out in the petting zoo. Carson thought the animals were tickling him when they were eating out of his hands. He was giggling the whole time. Any takers, let me know what you offer is. :-)

Then we decided to ride the tricycle around the track backwards. He was really trying to concentrate because he couldn't reach the peddles very well.

Daddy and me had lots of fun on the slide.

Then we went through the little corn maze. It was a lot of fun. I would get brave and run through it by myself and daddy would jump out and scare me at the exit. I thought that was funny.

Well, instead of us riding in the wagon to go out in find my pumpkin, I decided I would drive myself. After all, I am wearing my John Deere shirt.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures. Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumkin Patch part 2 IN COLOR

Here are some pictures of Carson at Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch. I told him here to smile and he was being such a ham. Here he is reaching over to give everyone a nice big kiss!!

He actually tried to take the straw out of the scarecrow. So then he decided to just sit down and smile for me so I could take some pictures.

I know he is my kid but he is just so dang cute. I just cannot get enough of him.