Well we hit 70 again today but tomorrow is supposed to be back down to the 30's and possibly have snow. How crazy is this midwest weather?
The heart monitor didn't arrive again today but we have OT tomorrow so I will stop by the cardio clinic and see if they can try to track it. I want to get the 30 days of home bound over BEFORE spring!
I'm sure as most of you could figure out, I took Carson outside again today and we had such a great time. I took him walking and we walked just over two miles. That is twice this week I have been able to get OUT and exercise. It really feels great. After that Carson got to play outside in the backyard most of the day. He was soooo silly today. First he played in the kitchen sink and got drenched, then he got a hold of a marker and drew on his leg so I put him in the bath and he didn't want to get out at all. Then he kept running in and out of my house and he was taking a plastic cup and would fill it up with water and then pour it over the railing on my deck. He had a very odd obsession with water today. But he kept me entertained.
So then the boys got home from school and Carson got to play a little b-ball and soccer with them. I think he whipped them but Coltan and Cody would never admit it! LOL
So here is the interesting part of my night.....So I'm sitting in my house folding a load of towels and Carson keeps running in and out of the house with Coltan and Cody comes in and says to me "Mom, I found a lost kid", so of course I'm thinking they are ready to give Carson up and I say "okay". Cody then says "no mom, really". This does sound a little different , so I turn around and look and here is a little boy standing in my doorway and I have no clue who he is. He has a cast on his right arm and looks pretty shaken. So I ask him where he came from and if he was supposed to be at a friends house and a hundred more questions trying to get some sort of idea who this 7 year old named Tyler is. He is holding a bag of gummy worms and I asked him where he got it. He told me that he got it at the gas station (which is just a little over a mile from my house). I ask him how he got there and he told me he walked. Okay, I'm really getting no where with this child and felt it was best to call PD and request them to send out an officer.
So while we are waiting I ask him about his arm and he is very vague in answering. All he would tell me is tha he fell. Couldn't tell me what he was doing, where he was, or when it happened. So the officer arrived and I told him everything I knew and Tyler wanted to keep walking away from us so I finally put my arms around him and held him there so we could get some answers. The officer decided that he would drive the boy around and look for a "brown truck" parked in a driveway. As they were heading to the vehicle a lady pulls up and gets out and very calmly says "Tyler, where have you been"? He starts to bolt out onto the very busy street that I live on and the officer grabs him in time and helps him across the street. This mother then looks at me and gives me an evil eye like I'm burdening her. I apologize and tell her that I had no idea who this little fellow is and I thought it would be safe to call the police department since they had more ways to figure out where he lives. I then turn around and the officer told me he needed my info after he was done with this lady. So he talks to her for about 10 minutes and at no time is she looking stressed, frazzled, scared, or whatever else when your missing a child. She tells the officer that she saw him walk out of the house about 30 minutes to present and when she decided he wasn't going to come home, she got in her car and started driving around the neighborhood. She at one time asked the officer how much longer he planned on standing there asking questions and lecturing her. He then asked her for her name and address for his report and then asked her "oh by the way, how much longer were you going to wait before you called us to assist in looking for your son:? Now keep in mind it is close to 7:00 at this time and she repies that she would have called by 8 or 9!! Okay pardon my french here but WHAT THE HELL????
Who in their right mind lets their 7 year old out of the house and wander around a neighborhood and doesn't show concern???? So come to find out they actually live another 1 1/2 miles further away from the gas station that Tyler walked to.
After the lady left, the officer came over and he was just ticked off and how this lady didn't really care. He was so angry and suspects there is more to this story that he is issuing her a citation for endangerment of a child and he will contact DFS and also wants this boys broken arm looked at a little closer. He told me that he didn't want to give this child back but couldn't prove any immediate danger.
So what am I proud of most about this whole story??? Cody saw this little boy walking alone in the dark across the street and MY BOY got involved!! Who knows where this little boy would have walked to next. There are several streets between my house and his house and he may have walked up and down several streets or worse yet ran into bad person as well. (yes I live in the 19th safest city in America but have a registered sex offender that lives about a mile away).
Cody, you have made me proud today. You saw something that didn't look quite right and you were able to get this little boy to talk to you and establish that he needed our help. These are the very moments that I'm feeling wonderful as a mother and realize that I am raising you right.
Coltan, I'm proud of you too. You helped me ask this boy questions and you tried to find out his last name and were just as concerned as the rest of us. I'm also very proud of you that when the officer did arrive, you knew it was best without me asking to take Carson away so that I could talk with the officer. It is nice to see you step up and help out. Thank you for that.
Carson on the other, he is way tooooo friendly. He knows that his dad drives a police car so he thought he could run over to this officer and give him hugs. The officer at one point picked him up and he gave him a really big hug. Carson has such a great personality. The officer has a little soft spot for him now.
December 2024 This and That
3 hours ago
What a proud Mommy you should be! You are raising kind boys who helped a little boy in need. :)
thats so great that your son got involved. Your sons seem like good, kind, aware children :) Well done to you.
Your boys are awesome. I would have called the police too...that poor kid.
What a great kid he is. I did lose my 5 year old in my neighborhood once. It was in the middle of the day though and we lived in a circle that he knew he was supposed to stay in. Needless to say his bike was taken away for the rest of the summer.
Oh my gosh. I cried reading that. HOW DARE that lady act mad and not concerned about a 7 yr old. I would have flipped if Coleson was missing for more than 5minutes and he too is 7yrs old.
Great Job boys and Mom!!!
You have super boys! You're definitely a great mom who is doing something right!!
I was amazed to hear the story and how your boys acted. I do feel worried about Tyler though. I hope he didn't get a beating for talking to you or the police. That was my initial reaction.
Kudos to your boys for their sense of responsibility. My heart aches for Tyler as well. Not sure what his situation is, but such a heartbreaking story (from the outside).
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