These pictures are from Carson's sleep study that was done a couple of months ago. He was told to show up in his PJ's at 8:00PM and be ready for some sleep. Well as most of you know, Carson is a very poor sleeper and at this time, he wasn't even taking naps. I believe if we slept more than 6 hours in one day, we were lucky. So as most of you could guess, Carson never slept better than this day and I think I even got a lot of sleep as well. His results came back okay and then it was discovered through blood work that his iron level was critically low. Average is 50-80 and he was 17. Then there was another level and I cannot remember the name and it was supposed to be 80-120 and he was 27. It has to do with iron as well. So he is given iron supplement and he does seem to sleep a little more. I can usually get a nap out of him in the day and then he will sleep for about 8 hours at night. He still sits up and tonight he sat up and looked down the hall and said there were monsters down there. He was sleeping the whole time. He has been sitting up and talking in his sleep which is kind of cute. Anyways, here are some pictures from the sleep study.
This is where we were staying for the night.
All of these wires are going on Carson's head......somewhere.
He was hanging out drinking his milk and watching Cars. I think this might be where his love for that movie came. We now watch Cars at least 10 times a week!
They would clean an area very well and when they got to his legs he was giggling because it tickled.
He didn't like it when they were messing with his hair. I think this might be from his sensory processing disorder. But none the less, he is still cute no matter what his expression is.
He calmed down and is focusing on his cool stickers
After all the wires are in place, they roll him up so they don't move
This is the end result. Doesn't he look cute???
I remember that thinking, how does any kid sleep with all this crap on their face. I wouldn't be able to do it.
That is so much stuff, but he looks so cute. Melana would NEVER leave the wires alone.
TC would have eleventy billion meltdowns with all those wires.
Aww, he does look cute! Cuddlebug went nuts with all the wires when he had an EEG done (and those were only on his head, not all over), can't imagine leaving them on all night. Kudos to Carson! Glad to hear the iron is helping him sleep better :).
I remember that! Kaci, I am having a give-a-way on my blog next week for a gift certificate to Lisa Leonard Jewelry! I thought maybe you'd like a chance to win. I will have details posted Monday.
We love the movie Cars at our house today. Ava can't get enough of it. I can't get over how stinking cute he looks in his jammies!
Wow! He looks way more cooperative than Chelsea over all! Chelsea's iron wasn't below the limits but it was on the low end of the average so they put her on iron too. It's a pain in the neck AND it discolored her teeth awfully! She's doing the liquid iron. If you're on the same be sure to brush after each dose! The good news is the dentist can polish it off. Yay for more sleep! You know something else we've tried is melatonin, it's working beautiful and it's NATURAL! Email me if you want more info
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