15 years ago I woke up at 4:45 AM and noticed my water broke. I woke up Chris and told him it was time. As we were driving to the hospital to deliver my first, I started getting worried wondering if I was going to be a good mom. So I started crying and told Chris that I changed my mind and really didn't want to have this baby. LOL
I was in labor for 24 hours and 10 minutes and out came my beautiful baby boy named Coltan Carl. He was a really chubby baby and always smiled. Coltan was 8lb 10oz and 20 inches long.
Coltan was always early with everything he did. Sitting, crawling....walking at 10 1/2 months. He was by far the easiest and quickest when it came to potty training (which was good since Cody was born 11 months later).
As Coltan developed a personality, I started to get a little worried. He is A LOT like his mom. Wants to have the last word and thinks he knows everything. We have had our share of ups and downs that come with the typical teenager but overall, he is a wonderful, polite, great kid.
So today is the day that I reflect back on how much you have grown up. You were once this little boy that needed mommy for everything to the man of the house. He helps me fix the broken things in the house and on occasion, helps out with Carson. Coltan is the first one to open doors for the elderly and has even been known to help them shovel their driveways when we have 15 inches of snow in about a two week span.
Coltan also helps with dinner and he is my HUGE helper when it comes to laundry. Coltan is also very sociable. He loves hanging out with his friends and loves playing soccer. Coltan made JV his freshman year which is really an honor considering our high school is very large. I enjoyed watching most of his games but as the fall continued, so did the decrease in the temperature and a few games were beyond freezing.
Coltan is a pretty good student and usually I don't have to worry about his grades to much.
Coltan's soccer team didn't travel but he still was able to go to a lot of fun places this year with me. We did go to Columbia a few times for his ODP and we had our family vacation in South Dakota last summer. Coltan also went with us to Chicago last Dec and had a lot more fun than I ever thought.
With all of this said, I'm really looking forward to this next year when I'm going to be his favorite person. Since he is 15, he is getting his drivers permit and only the parents can be with him. LOL We are going to have a lot of quality time together and I'm scared....but excited!
Happy Birthday Coltan! Even though your 15, you will aways be my baby. I love you!
Thanksgiving 2009
Happy Happy Birthday Colton!!
What a sweet post! Happy B-day to your boy.
He looks so much like you! Especially now that his hair is short and you can see his face. Ha! Sounds like you have raised him right. Happ Birthday Colton!
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