Coltan is my oldest. He is 14 and thinks he is going on 30. He loves to sit around and watch football. We sometimes have battles over the TV. Coltan is usually very good in school and loves to play soccer. He recently played on the JV team for his high school. I was very proud of him for making it and saw a huge improvement in his skills this season. We are now getting ready to get back on our regular teams for winter and spring. Oh and Coltan is already pushing 5'10". He will be 6' in no time!
Cody is my 13 year old. He has one of the attitudes that I sometimes love. He will wear pink and give me a hug in front of his friends and doesn't care. That is one of my favorite qualities about him. Cody is very big into soccer and makes his mom chauffeur him all of the USA. We have been as far away as Florida, Indiana, Illinois, and Tennessee to name a few. Carson travels with us and at the age of 3, Carson has been to 11 states with Cody just for soccer!
Hey there... so glad to see some new posts. I so need to get with the blogging program again. Loves...
Yes, bigger boys are hard to snap photos of. I'm constantly marvelling at how few photos I have of ES compared to those of the littler boys.
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