Coltan and Cody have been home every night this week and their Grandfather is in need of some huge prayers. He has been battling cancer for the last few years and now it has come to a dead end with his treatment. I have been very upset over the latest news. I'm not only praying for him but Coltan, Cody, their dad Chris and his mother, wife, and three other children. What they will endure over this journey is going to be extremely difficult on all.
Carson has had a better week. He is eating a little better which is a huge step forward in my book. His heart monitor still goes off several times a day so we are calling those strips in. Baby steps right??
Now for the pictures. My dear friend Lacey from Jaxson's Fight was thoughtful enough to take the time and make Carson this awesome Thomas the train blanket. Carson LOVES it. He is a very big blankie boy and he always has to sleep with one. Also he carries one around the house and likes to sit down and put it over his lap and then play cars on top of it. When we got this in the mail, you should have seen his was priceless. So Lacey, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! Carson has even named it. He calls it his "Choo Choo" blanket.
Here we are showing off our new blankie.
Look how sweet he is. I can sit up all night and watch him sleep. He is such a blessing.
I am so sorry the boys Grandpa has been so ill.
That blanket is too cute!
Hope you have a good weekend!
I'm sorry about their grandfather - I will say some prayers for him & the whole family.
Glad Carson is eating better - I am sure that's a relief. He is just beautiful! I think each picture he gets cuter!
Praying for Grandpa!!!! So sorry bout that!
love the new blankie. You know Melana, we can go NO where with out her pink blankie. Thank goodness we have more than three of them and that mom has one at her house or we'd be in big, DIRTY, trouble! LOL
Thinking of you guys,
He has such a great smile. I knew he would love the trains.
I'm going to be sitting in the hospital all weekend if you need to talk.
So cute! I will be praying for grandpa and you too...
Very cool blankie and sweet pictures. For what its worth, I'll say a few prayers as well.
You really have a lot going on. I do love the photos you post. What a beautiful son and I keep admiring his beautiful smile and the color of is hair.
I wish you all the best, and as you say, it's all about baby steps.
Hey my cell nuber is the 792-4661 number (801) call me because I will forget to call you while I'm at the hospital.
Being a prayer warrior for your family. Hope you are having a peaceful weekend.
I am so sorry to hear about the boys' grandpa. I will keep him and the family in my prayers.
Kaden is a big blankie boy too. He doesn't carry one around, but needs one to sleep with at night. He is now into tags (you know, like on shirts, towels, blankies...). He loves to put his thumb through them and hold on. So I found this "blankie" that he got when he was little that had little tag type silky things that went all the way around it thinking he would love the thing...blankies and tags together, doesn't get much better then that right??? Well, he wasn't impressed.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. I can't get enough of Carson's smile. He is just so darn cute!!!
I don't know where you find the time to blog and update with all these awesome photos. Especially since now I know that you sit up all night and watch your cutie sleep!
Actually, I would have liked to watch my boys sleep last night, but alas, they were up five or six times (and the two times I tried to sneak a tooth fairy move, I woke MS as well - urgh!)
You have been in my thoughts. I hope all is well! *hugs*
I haven't heard news from you in a while. How are you and your boys?
Just checking in on you, I hope everything is ok with you. Give me a call if you need to. Hugs from Lacey
Just checking on you and saying prayers. Hope things are going well-miss you!
I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for your family, I hope things start looking up.
Just checking in to see how things are going. Hope all is well. Loves...
Hope everything is going alright. Haven't heard from you in awhile. Take care.
Thinking about you guys.
You've been on my mind. I hope everything is ok.
Still thinking of you!
So sorry to hear about their Grandpa.
The choo-choo blankie is awesome, and Carson looks so cute and happy :)
Hope everything is ok, haven't heard from you in a while. Keeping your family in my thoughts & prayers.
Have been praying for you and your boys. Wondering how you are, but know that sometimes life just gets in the way of keeping in touch. May God hold you close and send lots of friends to keep your arms up when you are fatigued!
Just wanted to let know that I am thinking of you and sending prayers your way.
Have a blessed week.
I'm so sorry about their grandad. Grandparents are the best and it's so hard when you face the reality of possibly losing them!
just wondering where you are. Hope all is ok! I miss you.
Are you okay?? E mail me at:
You're starting to worry me. Hope all is well and it's just a computer issue.
Hey you! I'm starting to get worried! Where r u?
Just want to drop a note to let you know i am thinking of you and the boys. Hope all is ok!! Praying for you and your family. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hope all is well! Thinking of you!
Hey I saw that you came to our blog. We are worried sick about you. Please let me know how you are and how sweet little Carson is. Hugs from me and Jax
you better post soon...we are all freaking out about WHERE YOU ARE!
love ya!!!!!
Ummm - Missing you! Hope all is okay...
Hope all is well......
praying for you. Hope to hear from you soon.
Ps love the song.. God is so comforting..
I hope all is well! If you get a second please drop us a line! We are all very worried!
Hey there just checking in. What's going on? I hope you're okay. Update us PLEASE!!!
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